Sunday 15 October 2017

Some Term 3 Achievements

Term 4 begins tomorrow. Hard to believe it is October already! It seems a good chance to share some of the great achievements our Twyford intermediate aged students have produced.

One of the two elite teams that  saw Twyford win the Flaxmere Primary Schools Triathlon

Jordyn holding Twyford School's Bronze Award from World Vision for our 40 Hour Famine fundraising efforts.

Caitlin with her statistical investigation that earned her a bronze award in the HB Mathletics Competition.

Bianca with her statistical investigation that earned her a silver award in the HB Mathletics Competition.

Linus with his scale drawing that earned him a bronze award in the HB Mathletics Competition.

Olivia with her scale drawing that earned her a bronze award in the HB Mathletics Competition.

Room 7's eight scale drawing entries in the HB Mathletics Competition.

Caitlin and Millie won notable awards in the recent ICAS English examinations. Caitlin was awarded a Merit and Millie achieved a Distinction. 

Kean and Jakob taking part in the HB Science Fair SciPad Technolgy Challenge.

Caitlin and Supakiat taking part in the HB Science Fair SciPad Technolgy Challenge.

Ariel, Muskaan and Millie who reached the semifinals of the Radio Kidnappers Talk the Talk Debating Competition.

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