Saturday, 12 September 2015

Film Making - Outlook for Someday

As part of the Outlook for Someday film competition, five Year 7 students attended a film making workshop in Napier. These students came back bubbling with enthusiasm and some real film know how. As a result Room 7 have completed four films which have been entered in the competition.

The byline for the competition is Young People + Film + Sustainability and the link is below if you would like to know more:

We looked into script development, types of camera shots and filming techniques. It's great to see we have so many natural actors in the class. This is something we would definitely like to develop further! Students signed waiver forms as part of the image rights for the competition. The videos are on Youtube but unlisted for privacy. Parents and students can access them here or via the class site.


  1. Awesome videos Room 7. They certainly get the message across. Ka pai. From Room 1

  2. I remember these!
    Hannah E
