Tuesday, 25 September 2018

HB Mathletics

The Hawke's Bay Mathletics Competition has been and gone and we are very pleased with our results.

Twyford Students received the following awards:

Year 7 Statistical Investigations
Silver Awards
Alix Harrison - Socially Speaking
Charlotte Thow - Living on the Net?

Year 8 Statistical Investigations
Silver Award
Ted Hunter - Obesity Awareness
Bronze Award
Kohen Barnes - Video Vortex

Year 8 Scale Drawings
Silver Award
Kean Benipayo
Bronze Award
Linus Roess

Two Year 8 teams and one Year 7 team competed in the problem solving competiton as well.
Year 7 Team:
Nathan Campbell, Charlotte Thow & Alix Harrison
Year 8 Teams:
Ariel Henderson-Ereatara, Ted Hunter & Linus Roess
Ellyla Wepa, Phimwaree Toanchalee & Kean Benipayo